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4.25.19 Members Making News
From The Salt Lake Tribune: Pamela Atkinson has been an icon for decades, symbolizing to many Utah’s commitment to helping its homeless, refugees and other disadvantaged populations. Now, the longtime advocate and faith leader — a woman Gov. Gary Herbert refers to as the Beehive...
11.9.18 News, Members Making News, Innovations, Membership Spotlight
CLPHA’s Membership Spotlight features the outstanding work and achievements of our member public housing authorities - the nation’s largest and most innovative PHAs. Based on interviews with PHA executives, these brief profiles spotlight our members’ initiatives to strengthen their...
11.9.18 Members Making News, In The News
The Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles alongside partner Meta Housing Corporation, opened El Segundo Apartments and 127th Street Apartments in Harbor Gateway, two new communities offering a combined 160 units of permanent supportive housing for formerly homeless families and...
10.24.18 News, In The News
Hunt Capital Partners has provided $4.2 million in capital federal LIHTC equity financing for Rhododendron Place, a future 30-unit Vancouver, WA housing community funded in part by the Vancouver Housing Authority. Rhododendron Place will house individuals experiencing homelessness...

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