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3.7.19 CLPHA Comments
On February 25, CLPHA submitted comments on the December notice outlining proposed changes to the Annual Contributions Contract (ACC). CLPHA strongly objects to the changes on both procedural and substantive grounds. By publishing the notice through the Paperwork Reduction Act...
3.6.19 CLPHA Advocacy, CLPHA Member Update
On February 25, CLPHA submitted comments on the December notice outlining proposed changes to the Annual Contributions Contract (ACC). CLPHA strongly objects to the changes on both procedural and substantive grounds. By publishing the notice through the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) rather than...
1.11.19 CLPHA Advocacy, CLPHA Member Update, In The News
As the partial government shutdown continues and creates more uncertainty for public housing authorities, CLPHA is collecting information on the impacts and effects of the government shutdown on housing authorities and residents. We are particularly interested in examples regarding landlord...
1.10.19 Awards/Grants, Members Making News
HUD awarded the Housing Authority of the City of Baltimore (HABC) a Choice Neighborhoods Implementation (CNI) Grant ($30,000) and a Choice Neighborhoods Planning Grant ($1.3 million). These awards follow the $30 million CNI grant that HABC received in July.
1.9.19 CLPHA Advocacy, In The News
Today, CLPHA Executive Director Sunia Zaterman  was quoted in Affordable Housing Finance discussing how the shutdown threatens the stability of low-income households. Though HUD has prepared payments for housing vouchers and the public housing operating subsidy through February, Zaterman...
1.8.19 CLPHA Advocacy, CLPHA Member Update, Press Release
A coalition of more than 70 national organizations tell the Administration & Congress that people with the lowest incomes will be hit hardest if the shutdown continues. Washington, DC - Members of the Campaign for Housing and Community Development Funding (CHCDF) sent a letter...

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