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9.28.22 CLPHA Advocacy
Housing Is to Host Roundtable on Next Steps on Behavioral Health Integration for PHAs  In 2020, 52.9 million adults were affected by mental illness. However, challenges like access and affordability make it hard for people to access care. Behavioral health has been a major challenge for PHAs...
9.15.22 Members Making News
Last month, Bloomberg compiled stories from ten women about what their decisions to terminate their pregnancies meant for them and how the Supreme Court’s Dobbs Decision will affect women’s abilities to make choices about their lives. CLPHA Board Member Ivory Mathews, executive director of Home...
Restrictions on abortion access resulting from the Supreme Court’s Dobbs Decision will have major consequences and lasting impacts for low-income women and families, many of whom are receiving federal housing assistance. In addition to a host of socio-emotional and physical challenges, unintended...

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