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1.3.19 CLPHA Member Update, Notice / Announcement
On December 27, HUD again circumvented regulatory and process requirements to make changes to the Annual Contributions Contract (ACC). Through a Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) notice, HUD published revisions to the ACC, referred to as “the New ACC,” and provided for a 60-day comment period....
12.21.18 Policy
CLPHA was informed today that HUD will be publishing its required Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) notices for its revised Annual Contributions Contract (ACC) and the Moving to Work ACC for the expansion agencies on Thursday, December 27, in the Federal Register for a 60-day comment period.
10.25.18 CLPHA Advocacy, CLPHA Member Update
In response to persistent advocacy efforts by CLPHA and our industry colleagues, HUD announced last week that it will withdraw the new public housing funds Annual Contribution Contract (ACC) that became effective in May 2018.  As CLPHA’s counsel Reno and Cavanaugh succinctly ...

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