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12.18.23 CLPHA Member Update
Rise in Homelessness Coincides with Winding Down of Pandemic-Era Supports  HUD has released new data showing that over 650,000 people were experiencing homelessness on a single night in January 2023. This reflects a 12 percent increase over 2022 and is the highest number of people...
12.4.23 Members Making News
From Urbanize: Last week, Governor Gavin Newsom announced more than $154 million in funding for new interim and supportive housing across the state through the third round of Project Homekey. Of that total, Los Angeles County is poised to see roughly $37.2 million, going toward the...
12.4.23 Members Making News
From The Mercury News: Construction is underway on a supportive housing project in San Jose to provide stable homes for more than three dozen young adults who are homeless or leaving the foster care system across the South Bay. The former Pavilion Inn, at 1280 N. Fourth St., will be converted to...

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