Latest News

9.14.22 Research, Report
Researchers from Tulane University and the Jane Place Neighborhood Sustainability Initiative examine a new study on whether access to knowledge about eviction court procedures affected tenants’ eviction case outcomes. The quasi-experimental study focuses on tenant outcomes in eviction proceedings...
5.4.22 Report, Research
The Coalition for the Homeless annual report, State of the Homeless, grades both New York City and State on their abilities to meet the needs of unsheltered individuals, offer access to low-barrier shelters and psychiatric services, and provide affordable housing options for extremely low-income...
2.9.22 Research
In July 2021, Oregon implemented a ‘safe harbor period’ for nonpayment eviction cases to maintain some protections for tenants after the state eviction moratorium ended. The eviction diversion program is intended to delay eviction proceedings for tenants who have provided proof that they have...
1.26.22 Research
A new research article published in the American Journal of Preventative Medicine found that eviction causes not only financial shock, poor mental health, and displacement, but also impacts healthcare utilization and healthcare access. From a database of 20,810 reported residential evictions in...
1.26.22 Research, Report
NLIHC released a new report that provides a descriptive analysis of policies related to new tenant protections and emergency rental assistance (ERA) that have emerged in states and local governments during the ongoing pandemic. In 2021 alone, states and localities passed or implemented over 130...

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