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11.18.21 Members Making News
 Public housing authorities know that providing stable housing is only the first step in helping families thrive. A comprehensive approach that combines health, education, and housing programs has shown to dramatically improve life outcomes for low-income families. Public housing authorities...
11.17.21 Members Making News
From the Brooklyn Reader: A new 12-story 100% affordable housing development will bring 179 permanently affordable apartments to extremely low and low-income families in Brownsville. The Van Dyke III building, part of New York City Housing Authority’s (NYCHA) 23 building Van Dyke housing complex...
11.17.21 Members Making News
From the Charlotte Observer: Atrium Health provided new details Tuesday on plans for its billion-dollar “innovation district” surrounding the city’s future medical school, including the hospital system’s request for $75 million from the city and county. Plans for the district include a mix of...
11.2.21 Members Making News
From Bloomberg: A public housing community in Jersey City received an unusual amenity earlier this month: an indoor farm that will produce 550 pounds of free leafy greens a year. It’s the first of 10 aeroponic farms that will be installed across the city in a novel pilot program called ​​Healthy...
11.2.21 Members Making News
From Eminetra: Access to food, or inaccessibility, has long been a problem in Sun Valley. It has been described as both a food desert and a food swamp. Similar ideas indicate that access to large grocery stores is not as easy as that of healthy food stores, and that the number of fast food...
11.2.21 Members Making News
From WKYC 3: $18 million is now going to address disparities for the underprivileged in Cleveland. It's called the "ACHIEVE GreatER" initiative, spearheaded by Case Western Reserve University and University Hospitals.  The initiatve will help tackle complex issues that reside deeper...

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