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9.22.21 Members Making News, Awards/Grants
From the Columbus Metropolitan Housing Authority’s press release: An innovative collaboration launched last year between the Columbus Metropolitan Housing Authority (CMHA) and the Healthcare Collaborative of Greater Columbus (HCGC) is among only four organizations in the United States to receive...
9.7.21 Members Making News
From WAVY 10 News: On Tuesday, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued a new eviction moratorium that would last until Oct. 3. ... That includes Norfolk, where Nealy Gihan works with the Norfolk Redevelopment Housing Authority. They help folks in Section 8 housing through their...
9.7.21 Members Making News
Lucas Metropolitan Housing and Toledo Lucas County Health Department officials appeared on a WTOL 11 Toledo news segment to share information on getting the COVID-19 vaccine. You can watch the news segment here.  
9.7.21 Members Making News
Janet Abrahams, executive director of the Housing Authority of Baltimore City and Angela Cameron, HABC vice president joined WEAA Baltimore Radio's Two Way Talk to discuss a new campaign with their local United Way that will help renters who have been affected by the coronavirus...
9.7.21 Members Making News
From the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs' press release: The New Jersey Department of Community Affairs (DCA) today highlighted that it has reached the milestone of disbursing more than $200 million in federal Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) funds throughout the state. More...

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