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3.10.22 Report
Recently, the Joint Center for Housing Studies at Harvard University published a report analyzing how the well the U.S. housing stock meets the accessibility needs of residents who experience challenges with entering, navigating within, and using their homes. By reviewing 2019 American Housing...
3.10.22 Report
Senior Economist Jacob Channel for LendingTree details new findings that more than 16 million homes throughout the U.S. are sitting vacant. By analyzing U.S. Census Bureau data to rank the nation’s 50 states by their share of unoccupied homes, Channel found that:  Vermont, Maine and...
3.10.22 Report
Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP) reports that the enactment of $3.3 trillion COVID-19 relief bills in 2020 and another $1.3 trillion through the American Rescue Plan in 2021 helped make the COVID-19 recession the shortest on U.S. record and helped to fuel an economic recovery that has...

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