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12.6.22 CLPHA Member Update
Last year, HUD issued guidance that stipulated that PHAs must incur all eligible CARES Act expenses by December 31, 2021. HUD recently issued updated guidance that revises the time available for PHAs to liquidate their CARES Act obligations by April 30, 2023. HUD's latest guidance applies to PHAs...
12.6.22 CLPHA Member Update
HUD recently published its annual notice  that provides PHAs with instructions for calculating Public Housing Operating Fund (OpFund) Subsidy Grants for Calendar Year (CY) 2023 and establishes submission deadlines. For HUD to determine the amount of OpFund subsidy grant eligibility, PHAs...
12.5.22 Members Making News
From the Miami Herald: Julio Banegas, 86, spent the Miami summer relying on the breeze to stay cool in a second-floor apartment because his landlord, the federal government, rented the unit without air-conditioning. “It got tremendously hot,” Banegas said in Spanish on Monday. “I used lots of...
12.5.22 CLPHA Member Update
CLPHA recently attended an NSPIRE Get Ready session with HUD on the development and implementation of NSPIRE Inspection Standards. CLPHA is sharing updated information on NSPIRE from recent meetings with HUD. All information presented here is subject to change as HUD shares more details....
12.1.22 CLPHA Member Update
In PIH Notice 2022-34 HUD issued updated guidance on the use and eligibility of the Rate Reduction Incentive (RRI) in public housing. The RRI is a financial incentive for PHAs that pursue special and significant efforts to reduce their utility rates beyond what is required by statute and/...

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