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6.29.23 Research
A new study published in the Milbank Quarterly examines messaging strategies to promote policies that advance racial equity. The authors aimed to study how various messaging strategies can influence support and mobilization for racial equity policy domains across a wide variety of social systems....
6.26.23 Research, Report
The Harvard Joint Center of Housing Studies has published the State of the Nation’s Housing 2023 report. The annual report notes that millions of households are priced out of homeownership even as the pace of home price growth appreciation slowed. Similarly, the rate of rent growth declined in 2023...
6.26.23 Research, Report
The National Low Income Housing Coalition (NLIHC) has published its annual Out of Reach report, which quantifies the dramatic unaffordability of housing across the nation. According to the report, a worker must make an hourly wage of $23.67 to afford a modest one-bedroom rental home, and at least...

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