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6.15.22 Members Making News
From New York City Mayor Eric Adams' press release: New York City Mayor Eric Adams today celebrated the state Legislature’s passage of the New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) Public Housing Preservation Trust legislation, A7805D/S9409A. The bill passed the New York State Senate today on...
6.14.22 CLPHA Member Update
Today, HUD announced that it would provide a $25 million set aside from fiscal year 2022 appropriations for PHAs at risk of experiencing public housing operating funding shortfalls. PHAs that administer the public housing program, including MTW agencies, that meet certain eligibility...
6.1.22 Report
The Public and Affordable Housing Research Corporation (PAHRC) released a new report describing tools available to PHAs to preserve and expand their housing stock. Using data on federally -assisted homes from the National Housing Preservation Database, PAHRC found that the role of PHAs in the...

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