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4.7.21 Members Making News
From the District of Columbia Housing Authority's press release: Thirty five residents who participated in the District of Columbia Housing Authority’s Modified Apprenticeship Training Program (ATP) today celebrated their graduation, and more importantly, new job opportunities. “I started the...
1.13.21 Research, Report, Analysis
Project SOAR Closeout Site Visit Summary Program Evaluation Division, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development June 2020 The Resident Opportunities and Self-Sufficiency for Education (ROSS-ED) Project SOAR grant program was an effort to improve access to higher education...
11.5.20 Members Making News
From Wicked Local Cambridge: The Cambridge Community Foundation is distributing almost a half million dollars in grants to nonprofits throughout Cambridge a month ahead of schedule as organizations deal with the increased need and financial impacts brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic. CCF...
3.5.20 Members Making News
From WTKR 3 News: Norfolk Redevelopment and Housing Authority was awarded with over $400,000 from the U.S. Department and Urban Development. HUD awarded the NRHA with $478,500 to hire and retain service coordinators to help residents achieve economic and housing independence. Read WTKR...
2.5.20 Members Making News
From the New Haven Independent: Fifteen-year-old Curtisy McGill is taking a course called Intro to Manufacturing at Hillhouse High. She has an inspiring teacher, who told her that plumbers get paid very well. Curtisy has already become the the go-to fix-it person in her family, specializing in...
9.12.19 Members Making News
From the Boston Globe: Rafael Salas, an incoming freshman at Westfield State University, dreams of the day when he can help his family leave public housing. In middle school, when he began attending a youth development program run through the Cambridge Housing Authority, Salas said he already...
From The Columbian: Angelena Correa-Delacruz said her signature drink is a raspberry latte, sometimes with added caramel. However, five weeks ago, she didn’t even know there were different types of beans for making coffee. The 18-year-old is among three teens who took part in a barista-training...
7.25.19 Members Making News
In an article for Next City produced by FUSE Corps, a national nonprofit that aims to help urban communities thrive through partnerships with local governments, author Erin O’Donnell spotlights two CLPHA member PHAs’ successful programs that enable residents to become more financially self-reliant...
3.8.19 Awards/Grants, Members Making News
From the Los Angeles Times: Ben Carson, the U.S. secretary of Housing and Urban Development, went to Watts on Wednesday to announce a $3.7-million grant for a new job center at Nickerson Gardens, the biggest public housing development west of the Mississippi. The grant to the Housing Authority of...
3.5.19 Members Making News
Riverstone Apartments in Federal Way is the latest addition to the King County Housing Authority’s (KCHA) workforce housing portfolio. The attractive 308-unit complex sits across the street from the Star Lake Park and Ride, which in 2024 will be converted to the South 272nd Street Link Light...

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