Wilmington’s housing authority board names acting CEO as current leader prepares departure

Date Published: 
September 21st, 2021

From the Port City Daily:

After serving the the Wilmington Housing Authority since 2014, Katrina Redmon announced Aug. 4 she would resign as CEO effective Sept. 20, 2021. The authority’s board of commissioners announced Thursday it would appoint G. Vernice Hamilton as acting CEO upon Redmon’s departure.

Hamilton has served as the housing authority’s director for human resources and has stepped in as interim executive director twice, according to the release. The board’s chair Al Sharp expressed confidence in Hamilton’s capabilities.

“Ms. Hamilton will use her experience with WHA to sustain critical housing services,” Sharp said in a release, “and assist with the nationwide search for a new CEO.”

Read the Port City Daily's article "Wilmington’s housing authority board names acting CEO as current leader prepares departure."

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