San Diego Seeking $23 Million in State Homekey Funds to Create 75 Affordable Apartments for People Experiencing Homelessness

Date Published: 
July 11th, 2023

From the San Diego Housing Commission's press release:

Continuing collaborative efforts to create additional permanent affordable homes with supportive services for people experiencing homelessness, the San Diego Housing Commission (SDHC) has applied for up to $23 million from the state Homekey program for two properties in collaboration with the City of San Diego and County of San Diego.

“My administration’s comprehensive strategy to address homelessness includes robust street outreach; expanded shelter, Safe Parking and Safe Sleeping programs; advocacy on mental health treatment and fentanyl enforcement; removing tent encampments from our sidewalks and canyons; and, most importantly, creating housing,” said Mayor Todd Gloria. “I am proud of the City’s collaboration with the Housing Commission and the County to seek as much Homekey funding as we can to get our unsheltered residents into permanent homes and on a path to a better quality of life.”

“Our County is committed to supporting creative, sustainable, and equitable solutions for our unsheltered population. Through strong collaborative partnerships with the City of San Diego, and the San Diego Housing Commission, we can continue finding viable solutions for our unsheltered community,” said Nora Vargas, Chairwoman of the San Diego County Board of Supervisors. “No single level of government can do this alone. By prioritizing housing and vital services like mental health, food assistance, and primary care we can keep our families, seniors, and veterans under a roof.”


Residents would receive access to supportive services, such as primary health care, mental and behavioral health care, and other community-based programs to best meet a resident’s individual needs.

“The San Diego Housing Commission has focused on developing a continuum of housing opportunities to best meet the needs of people experiencing homelessness. Affordable rental apartments are one of the many essential types of housing necessary to meet the diverse needs of our unhoused neighbors,” SDHC Interim President & CEO Jeff Davis said. “Homekey funding makes it possible to add this type of housing quickly. Residents will also receive site-based supportive services to enhance their quality of life and support stable tenancies.”

Read SDHC's press release.

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