HUD Highlights Minneapolis PHA's Innovative Scattered Sites Powered by Solar Arrays

Date Published: 
April 24th, 2024

From HUD's press release:

Last week, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and Terner Labs cohosted an event in Detroit, Michigan, uniting leaders from the public sector, housing experts, researchers, and technologists for the third iteration of their Housing & Technology Symposium series. HUD leaders also traveled to Minneapolis, Minnesota to highlight innovative affordable housing partnerships.

“These are a first-of-its-kind innovations that leverage both HUD funding and modular housing construction – a technology that PD&R and HUD are eager to help scale – to create high-quality affordable housing that is sustainable, energy-efficient, and well-integrated into the surrounding neighborhood,” said Solomon Greene, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy Development and Research. “It leverages so many innovations all at once – including Minneapolis first-in-the-nation comprehensive zoning reforms – to better serve communities.”

The visits were the first in HUD’s “Road to Innovation” tour series, led by the Office of Policy Development & Research (PD&R), where HUD leaders will travel around the country to uplift examples of investment in innovative construction techniques boosting affordable housing supply. The partnership with Terner Labs, announced by HUD’s former Secretary Marcia L. Fudge in 2023, aligns with the Biden-Harris administration’s Investing in America Agenda and the Administration’s housing supply action plan, offering enhanced access to funding and resources.

The Detroit event explored the use of technology to promote homeownership and wealth-building for Black Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC) communities, particularly in the Midwest. Technology and development experts presented demonstrations on credit repair and policy tools, offering valuable insights into the homebuying process. Solomon Greene, HUD’s Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary in the Office of PD&R, alongside HUD Great Lakes Regional Administrator Diane Shelley, emphasized the importance of encouraging investment in homeownership assistance.

“HUD is deeply committed to expanding housing and community development, with a steadfast focus on creating equitable, inclusive communities and ensuring quality, affordable homes for all individuals and families,” said Great Lakes Regional Administrator Diane Shelley.

In Minneapolis, HUD leaders explored the city’s most innovative public housing initiatives. The officials toured several sites, including one of Minneapolis Public Housing Authorities’ (MPHA) sixteen Family Housing Expansion Program (FHEP) “scattered sites,” strategically located to foster community growth while meeting the cities affordability goals. Taking advantage of HUD’s Moving to Work (MTW) flexibilities and project-based vouchers, the FHEP projects have added 84 units of affordable family housing to MPHA’s stock using modular construction techniques and 16 solar roof arrays, increasing housing accessibility in a growing community. The tour concluded at Miro Apartments, showcasing a modular approach, affordable units, Opportunity Zone funds, and a large solar roof array, all contributing to housing accessibility in a growing neighborhood.

The “Road to Innovation” tours will culminate in Washington, DC with HUD’s 2024 Innovative Housing Showcase slated for June 7th through 9th on the National Mall. The showcase is a public event during which leading homebuilders, technologists, and designers will show their cutting-edge approaches to increase housing supply, lower construction costs, increase energy efficiency, and reduce housing expenses.

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